Seti Download Software Mac

Download the software required to setup or configure your Harmony remote. SETI Institute researchers look for both microscopic and macroscopic life using a variety of instruments and strategies: rovers, orbiters, field expeditions, and radio telescopes are just a few. Understanding where biology may gain a foothold and detecting its presence is the goal of these scientists, and they hope to establish whether life is.


Using macOS 10.15 & above (Catalina/Big Sur)?

32-bit software such as MyHarmony and Logitech Harmony Remote legacy software will no longer run on macOS 10.15 & above (Catalina/Big Sur).
If you’re using a hub-based remote, you will need to use the Harmony app on your iOS or Android device. You can also continue to use MyHarmony on a computer running Windows or macOS 10.14 or lower.
If you have a remote that doesn't use a hub, you may download the latest software using the links on this page.

If you’re planning to upgrade to macOS 11.0, there will be a delay in having the legacy software supported on macOS 11.0 Big Sur. We recommend holding off on upgrading to macOS 11.0 Big Sur if you need to access your remote’s account.

See Harmony and macOS (Catalina/Big Sur) for the latest information.

Seti download software mac high sierraUpgrading to macOS 10.15 Catalina or macOS 11.0 Big Sur?

32-bit software such as MyHarmony and Logitech Harmony Remote legacy software will no longer run on macOS 10.15 & above (Catalina/Big Sur).

If you’re using a hub-based remote, you will need to use the Harmony app on your iOS or Android device. You can also continue to use MyHarmony on a computer running Windows or macOS 10.14 or lower.

If you have a remote that doesn't use a hub, you may come back to this page and download the latest software once you have upgraded to Catalina, your operating system and version will be detected by the page and you will be provided with the correct software for your Mac.

Seti Download Software Mac Download

See Harmony and macOS (Catalina/Big Sur) for the latest information.

Use the MyHarmony desktop software or Harmony mobile app* to set up and sign in to your account. From there, you can add devices, set up Harmony Activities, and make changes to your configuration. If you have a Harmony hub-based product, use the Harmony mobile app to set up and configure Harmony.

If you're using an older Harmony remote model, such as Harmony One, 880, 900, 1000, or 1100, see: Logitech Remote Software v7.x

Seti Download Software Mac Os

Seti download software mac download

*You must have a hub-based product to use the Harmony mobile app.

March 3rd, 2000

[6:00 AM] [email protected] Client Updated With Must Have Update
by Staff

The [email protected] team has released an update to the [email protected] client for all platforms to version 2.02. The new version includes a host of new features, bug fixes, and performance increases. Since many Team Mac Observer members and other Mac users have the [email protected] client running on a variety of machines, we are including the changes for all platforms.

Changes in version 2.0x of [email protected] (since version 1.0x)

All platforms

  • Increased security: [email protected] now checks for unauthorized modifications to data and program files. If it detects tampering, it will delete files and start over. It is still possible to move [email protected] data files between computers; see below for more information.
  • Support for SOCKS proxies. The hostname, port, user name, and password for SOCKS proxies can be entered in the Proxy Server dialog (Win/Mac) or through command-line options or environment variables (text-only versions).
  • Improved support for HTTP proxies. [email protected] now conforms to the HTTP 1.0 protocol.
  • Better network protocol for updating user statistics after returning results: one message to server instead of two.
  • Client returns power array summary for Gaussians
  • The server can have the client display an arbitrary message, and/or quit.

Graphical versions

  • The old Peak Power and Best Gaussian values on the display have been replaced by a graph showing how well the power-over-time data fits the shape of a Gaussian curve. While performing calculations other than curve fitting, the display shows the best Gaussian fit so far.
  • When getting new work unit, clear display of strongest Gaussian.

Windows and Macintosh

  • Improved network connection retries: if [email protected] fails to connect to the server, it will retry twice at 45-second intervals, then wait 15 or 60 minutes and repeat this sequence. This accommodates users whose dialup sequence is longer than a minute or so. Also, connection errors are reported more accurately.
  • Retry file opens, to coexist with Sherlock, FastFind etc. This may also give sleeping hard drives time to spin up.
  • More accurate CPU time calculation


  • More reliable display of icon in System Tray.


  • Password locking. There is now a 'Require Password' checkbox in the Preferences dialog. If you check it, the screensaver will require a password to wake up.
  • Version 2.0 runs under Mac OS 9 (see [email protected] Readme for details).
  • In application mode, [email protected] runs faster if its window is collapsed, using the Windowshade feature under OS 8.0 and later.
  • Improved responsiveness to Hot Key.
  • More accurate CPU time calculation
  • Better compatibility with older PPC Macs.
  • Increased timeouts for network input/output.
  • Resolve alias if preference file is aliased.

UNIX and other text-only versions

  • Most platforms include a graphical front end (xsetiathome). This is a separate program; to use it, the client must be run with the -graphics option.
  • New options:
    • -verbose: enable printfs.
    • -nolock: skip multiple-instance checking
    • -graphics: generate data for xseti
  • Better support for directory locking in UNIX version

The update is free, as is all of the [email protected] software. You can find more information at the [email protected] web site.

[Editor's Note: We will have a long awaited update on the status of Team Mac Observer, our own [email protected] club team, later today.]

The Mac Observer Spin: We ask all Team members to download the latest update.